Today is Sunday the 7th of October and boy what a wonderful October it has been so far... with temperatures around 80 degrees (about 26 Celsius) during the day and down to around 65 at night (about 18 Celsius). We can finally enjoy sitting out on our balcony and open up the windows in the morning to air out the apartment. So you're probably wondering what I've been up to during the last couple of weeks. To be honest, I barely remember myself but I'll try to give you an update...
As for work, I finally received my degree evaluation and luckily my degree is recognized here in the US and I can therefore sit for the CPA exams. My plan is to start after busy season in April. I also experienced my first performance evaluation at work and I'm proud to say that I only received positive and encouraging comments from my manager. I think that a total of seven new people have started with Rödl & Partner in the past 2 weeks, so it's definitely going well for us.
As for fun, I went to a house-warming party last weekend at a Swedish friend's place and during the same weekend went to a Swedish mingle party organized by SWEA, while Charles was enjoying a weekend in Kansas City
Today we've been enjoying our Sunday, with freshly baked croissants for breakfast, a tour to the Farmer's Market to get the freshest fruit and best French cheese in town. In a little bit we're going to prepare tacos for dinner and watch a movie, Zodiac, while eating from our big bowl of Swedish candy that my parent's sent for Charles' birthday... yummie! Speaking
Hope you all have a nice Sunday evening! Take care!
Ni har då fullt upphela tiden! Skönt att det är lite svalare för er. Det är det här med, men det är så deprimerande så vi pratar inte mer om det. Kul att dina föräldrar kommer, känns alltid bra att ha något att se fram emot.
Jobbar för fullt med om två veckor blir det lov.Skönt med lite avbrott.
ha det bra!
Hej Maria!
Later harligt med lov snart! Ska ni aka ivag nagonstans eller stannar ni pa hemmaplan? Imorse fick jag ha pa mig en jacka for forsta gangen pa over 5 manader... det kandes sa skont att frysa lite. :)
Är slite sugen på att åka, men vi väntar nog till februari.kanske kap Verde öarna (utanför Afrika)Ska till Tyskland,Lûbeck på en julmarknad i December med svärmor.
Nu är det ynka 5 grader här, så tjock vinterjackan på idag för första gången! Kontraster!
HA DET BRA! Skönt med helg, fast veckorna går sååå fort.
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