Finally, I have gotten around to creating my new blogg. As most of you already know, Charles and I moved to Atlanta, Georgia on May 2nd. Two and a half weeks have past since then, but oooh what crazy weeks they have been. This is acutally the first day that we have been able to relax a bit and actually catch up with our jetlag (we slept 11 hours last night). :)
So I'm sure you all are wondering why I haven't written you or called you yet... surely she has had the time... it has gone more than 2 weeks!!! Well, after finding an apartment, getting bank accounts, getting customer accounts with the gas company and the power company, extending the hotel because our apartment was not ready, searching for the best cell phone deal, buying cell phones, moving into the apartment with only our 4 suitcases, shopping for the most necessary things for the apartment (air matress, plates and glasses), running back and forth with our rental car to the nearst Panera Bread Co. to have internet access, ordering a set up for telephone, internet and cable TV, looking for furniture (went to IKEA, of course), Charles is starting his introduction at Emory, buying some used furniture from a girl who just finished the same program as Charles (but we have to wait a week to pick up the furniture), I recieve phone calls from recruiters wondering if I'm still looking for a job and setting up meetings, going to welcome dinner with the international students in Charles class, looking for a used car to buy, finally internet has been hooked up, buy a TV, found a used car we like but the money wire hasn't arrived yet, looking for more used cars (still no money), renting Uhaul to pick up furniture, exploring Target almost everyday, finally recieved money wire, went directly to Carmax and bought a Ford Focus barely before closing hour, I started going to interviews with recruiters and directly with companies... about then is when Charles and I fell asleep (still on our air matress) at 10:00 p.m. last night and woke up 11 hours later, happy that we finally could relax a little. So even though I know that there are no excuses for not emailing or calling you all, but I have been quite busy. :)
So, anyway to give you a little more details, we now live a The Park at Briarcliff (not far from Emory University on the east side of Atlanta). It is a closed community, meaning that we need a card to get through the gate, and has a very nice peaceful atmosphere, lots of trees and space between the buildings.
There's a nice pool with a beach volleyball court, tennis courts, a small gym and a nice little lake.
I think I'll wrap things up for this time. Next time, I'll try to give you an idea about how life is in Atlanta, now that we feel pretty settled down.
Kram, Gloria
Hi Gloria,
hope everything will be fine with you in Atlanta. Keep posting your blog!!!
Good luck
Va kul att läsa din sida! Jösses vad ni har haft fullt upp!!! Det är ju så himla mycket att tänka på när man flyttar.... have mercy! Tycker helt synd om er! Men nu låter det ju som att det börjar bli lite ordning!! Va gött!!
Det ser ju så mysigt ut, så man blir ju alldeles sjuk!!! Jag måste verkligen komma o hälsa på!! (önska mig lycka till - måste genast spela på lotto eller ngt så att jag får ihop en rejäl resekassa).
Ha det bara så bäst, så hörs vi snart!! Hälsa Charles o lycka till m jobb!!
Love you always! Kramar Ingo (oxå några kramar från Karin).
Hej Gloria!
Vilken fin sida du gjort!
Det låter som ni har fått gjort en hel del! Vad kul att få se lite bilder på området, ser jättefint ut! pool och allt!
Skönt att få ordning på allt?
Hoppas att det går bra på jobb fronten, men du hinner väl inte med att jobba än, när du ska fixa allt.
Ha det bra! Kul att höra från er. Hälsa Charles.
Kramar Maria
Hello cousin!
Nice att läsa om era äventyr där verkar inte ha nån brist på sysselsättning iaf.
Får be att gratulera till det nya jobbet som du har tackat ja till. Det är ju grymt va du har framgång över allt. Go for it! Hoppas att du får resa till många roliga platser.
Det skulle verkligen vara sååå kul att komma och hälsa på er en dag!
Idag är jag med på ambulansen i Skara och ser hur livet är här.
Många kramar Tess
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