It's me again! I know that it took a while for me to enter my second entry... but my past week wasn't as easy going as I thought it was going to be, as I thought last weekend. So instead of telling you about all the wonderful sightseeing I thought I would've done, I'll go ahead and tell you about my past week. :)
The first half of the week I spent preparing job interviews, going to job interviews and writing thank you letter for previous interviews. I went through 6 interviews this week, that makes a total of 10 interviews in a week. In the beginning I was quite nervous, because I really haven't interviewed since I first started working for Luna in 2001. But thanks to some preperation help from a recruiter I was able to catch the employers' attention. By Wednesday this week I recieved 2 great offers and on Thursday I accepted the Staff Accountant position at the international proffessional services firm Rödl & Partner (mainly a CPA firm = revisionsbyrå). What made this opportunity so interesting for me is the fact that the firms origins are German and therefore many of the clients and my collegues will be German. For me it's simply a dream job to have the possiblity to combine both accounting and German. Anyway I'll be starting my new job in downtown Atlanta on June 1st, that's this coming Friday. For the first 2 weeks I will go through a planned introduction and I have a mentor assigned to me. I must say that I very excited about starting this new job, in a new company and with lots of new international people!
So except for driving Charles to school and picking him up every day (we still haven't organized how he will be taking himself to school, because I will be the master of the car :) ) my time has been focused on the job situation. On Friday I actually treated myself to some shopping at Lenox Square. I didn't buy very much, I think I was a little overwhelmed by all the great shops and all the sales. To anyone who is looking for some great shopping - you'd better get over h
After Friday, Charles and I decided to go to a couple of animal shelters to look for a cat who needed a new home. We both really wanted a cat, we would actually love to have a dog as well but that will definitely have to wait.
Well I hope you all had a great weekend and had the opportunity to enjoy some spring weather. I sure need to get out in the sun a little more this week! Talk to you soon and take care!
Hi Gloria!
It´s so nice to read about your life over there, and it reeeeaaaally makes us wanna come and visit soon - specially the weather and the shopping !!! Anyway, your cat is very cute, and you definitely made the right choice by picking it up from a shelter. Well done guys ! :) Here it´s not really spring for now, unfortunately it´s raining pretty often, so i can´t wait to go back to France... This weekend was mother´s day here in Sweden - it´s next sunday in France - so we all went out to Skogsbygden to grill. But i didn´t eat anything, since I´m still on a diet! I´ve lost 14 kilos so far... I´ve also taken home some of your old clothes that AnnBritt took out for me, since mine don´t fit anymore.
I hope everything is great for you guys, congratulations for your new job! EXciting !!!
Pussar och kramar till er båda från John-ERik och mig.
We miss you guys !!!
Hej Gloria o Charles!
Det är så roligt att läsa och höra (genom A-B) om ert liv där borta!
Så bra det går för er!!! Men det visste jag redan innan - att du inte skulle ha några problem med att få ett bra jobb!
Ni verkar bo på ett ett fint, lugnt område!
Katten är så söt som ni skaffat! Men jag förstår dej när du tänker på hur gammal en katt kan bli!
Själv "står" jag ju här med min Chip, som är 15 år nu, även om Niklas o jag har "delad vårdnad" om henne.
Oj, vad kul det skulle vara att komma över till er. Den underbara värmen och dessa affärscentra! Vad lockande!
Nu ska jag ner och hämta Shiva - för dina föräldrar är inte hemma idag.
Ha det så bra och ta väl hand om er!
Många kramar!
Hej igen! Hoppas att du har haft det bra på ditt nya jobb!Spännande!
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