Chloe, Charles and Ryan (Charles' friend from Emory) before the game.
Chloe and I having some refreshments to prepare for the game.
First thing we did after entering the field, was getting ourselves some jumbo hot dogs with everything on them. After those dogs, I probably won't have hot dogs in a while. :)
Not a bad view we thought, before moving down to the 8th row after the 5th inning.
A fully packed Turner Field, what an atmosphere!
After the 5th inning we moved down to the 8th row, where Ryan had seats.
Talk about a close up.
So today is Labor Day and we have had an extra day off... so wonderful! After 2 ½ great weeks, Chloe left back to France yesterday. And tomorrow reality starts for Charles, who's 2nd semester starts and for me I continue working intensively to beat the September 15th deadline for Corporate Income Tax Returns. Work is much more fun and challenging now that I have more to do and have deadlines to meet, it's great! Well, that'll be it for this time. Take care!
Det såg ju lite trevligt ut att kolla på Baseball fast jag inte är något sportfreak. Men korvarna såg så där ut, vad var det på dom...hmm vill inte veta. kul att du trivs med ditt jobb.
ha det bra. Alltid lika kul att läsa om er.
Hej Maria! Man behover inte vara en sportfreak for att uppskatta en match live... det ar stamningen som gor det hela. :) Ketchup, senap, dressing, bostongurka, ra lok och jalepenos var det pa korvarna... aj aj aj for magen. Tur att vi hade lite ol for att skolja ner det hela...
Ha en bra dag! Kram!
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