Once again, it is Sunday afternoon. It's been a nice and relaxing weekend... enjoyed the "art" of American beer-drinking (I hardly know what wine tastes like anymore), late dinner at the Osteria in the Highlands (ordering my favorite Italian dish melanzane alla parmigiana), an afternoon at the book store (finally I had finished the book I bought at the airport in Göteborg when moving here in May, it took me forever!), dinner with friends at a Thai place just nearby, made my personal best in bowling, listened to Charles while he rehearsed his elevator pitch and resume for an interview he'll be having this week, breathed the hot and extremely humid (but at least it's air) air while taking a nice long walk in Emory Village (it was also the first time in my life that I actually took the car to get to a place to take a nice walk), read a couple of the free magazines that you can get all around Atlanta (Charles has a problem with my habit of getting out of the way to get these magazines, but at least I know what's going on in Atlanta and some articles are actually very interesting), started reading the book I bought yesterday - "Anybody Out There?", Marian Keyes, took a little extra care of Casey (who we found out on Thursday has an ulcer on her eye and is currently being treated with antibiotics). Finally it has started to thunder... the air has been so heavy and humid all day.
Yesterday I had my first little throw of home sickness. I think I have actually managed quite well these past three months, but I think my decision of not going home to Sweden for Christmas, kind of triggered it. Even though I believe that I'm doing the right thing to stay here over the holidays... just the thought of not seeing my family and friends, makes me sad. The most difficult is not being able to see my beautiful little niece Ayda, who is growing and developing every day (she's turning 1 in a month). After her spending the past month with her dad in Turkey, I finally got to see her again via web camera on my dad's birthday last week. What a sweety! Good news is that there is no doubt that I will be going home for my brother's wedding in July next year and hopefully Charles and I will have some visitors before then. :) We are actually waiting for our first visitor, Chloe, one of Charles best friends, to arrive in only three weeks!
Well, I think I'll continue my Sunday afternoon reading on the couch, while listening to the thunder, with Casey laying on my chest. I hope you all had a great weekend! Take care!
1 comment:
Hej vännen! va roligt att läsa om era bravader "over there", framförallt är det skönt att höra att ni har det bra, jobb, husrum och katt :-)!!.. Tänkte att vi måste bestämma tid och dag snart för ett litet telefonsamtal, dags för en uppdatering nu tror jag :-)! Ha det bäst, saknar dig här hemma!
Kramar Linda.....
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