Hey y'all!
Glad midsommar to you all that celebrated midsommar this past weekend! I heard that the weather was typical Swedish (rainy), but I hope the celebrations were good anyway! To be honest, I had actually totally forgotten about that it was Midsommar until the same day.... Charles and I "celebrated" by going to a Stephen King based horror movie "1408". :)
More than three weeks have passed since I last updated my blog. I can't believe how time flies! On Friday I will have worked for a whole month and this weekend Charles and I will have officially been living in Atlanta for two months!

Let me tell you a little bit more about my job. The last time I wrote, I had only worked for a day. I can now, after 3 weeks, confirm that I am really enjoying my new job working in an audit firm. What I like most about it is the exposure to different companies and different types of companies, companies that are going well and some that go less well. Fortunately I have a lot of use of my prior accounting experience (from the "other side" as they say). It's the calm season at the firm, so I have time to learn and really get to know the different aspects of the job. During the low season everyone works with Tax Returns, tax returns mainly for Foreig

n Corporations, US Corporations, Parterships and Individuals (mainly for non US residents). I can proudly announce that I completed my first foreign corporation tax return on my own today! Of course, it will be reviewed by one of the CPA's of my team and I definitely will have many corrections to make... but still! :) So that's basically what I'm doing... analyzing the financial statements of a companies and preparing the tax specific statements before doing the actual tax return, sounds great, huh? Hihi... I love it and then fact that I get to speak German everyday makes me love it even more!
Well, y'all it's getting late and do I need my eight hours of sleep. I'll get back to you soon! Take care!
Actually, for those of us that celebrated midsommar at the peak of Kebnekaise (me, Karna, Markus, Malin and our dad), the weather was quite the opposite: a few clouds scattered over the deep blue sky and a resplendent sun, vibrantly frying us through a little less ozone than normal! Unfortunately, the exhausting ascent made us quite a bit less appreciative of the terrific weather conditions, at least me... ;-)
Anyway, good to hear that you're doing fine! Just don't forget to celebrate the next Swedish holiday, which would be... umm... kräftskiva in August perhaps? :-)
Hej Gumman!! Guuuud var roligt att läsa att allt har gått bra för er!! Du har ju verkligen haft värsta flytet, fast å andra sidan hade jag inte väntat mig något annat! :-) Vi måste absolut talas vid snart, får bara se till att hitta dag och framförallt tid som passar oss båda :-)
Mycket bra initiativ av dig att skaffa en blogg, blir så mycket lättare att uppdatera familj och vänner då. Själv jobbar jag och står i som vanligt, blir inte mycket semester i sommar iallafall....måste ju spara lite till november :) Men har det så himla gott nu så måste vi höras av snart!! Många kramar från the Novemberbride!!...
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