Monday, November 24, 2008
I can't believe that it has already been over two weeks since I was in Sweden. I had two great weeks, with my family, friends and nature. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves... :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hot in Atlanta
It's shortly past 9 o'clock pm, Sunday 20, 2008. Charles and I just got back from an evening walk in the neighborhood close to our apartment complex. When we left about an hour ago it was just starting to get a little dark, the temperature just below 90 F (a bit over 30 C)... wishing that it would've been a bit cooler. I love taking walks through the different neighborhoods... admiring the nice houses, complaining about the horrible ones, counting how many cars some driveways can hold, trying to get a glimpse of the back yards to see if they have pools or not. Tonight we were out at just the right time to see the lightning bugs. Except for lady bugs and roly polys I think that these are the only other insects that I'm not scared of. My first memory of lightning bugs was when our family took a trip to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri. I was maybe 7 or 8, I'm not sure. Anyway, what I remember was that when it was just getting dark outside we took off the plastic wrapping on the plastic cups at the hotel and went outside and tried to catch the lightning bugs. I'll have to verify this with my dad though, it could've also been some dream. :)
On the way back to our apartment we considered dipping our feet in the pool to cool off a bit, but there was still quite a lot going on at the pool, so we decided to just head back home. I had to bring the fan to the living room, which we usually have in the bedroom. It's funny how the air conditioner just isn't enough sometimes.
Last week I started studying for my first CPA exam (CPA, certified public accountant = auktoriserad revisor). There are four parts of the CPA examination and I'm taking the first one in exactly a month and the second one I have scheduled to take a few days before coming to Sweden in the end of October. The content of each exam is massive and this means that I'll be studying practically every day (except for Fridays) and every weekend for the next three months. Even though it'll be quite tough handling this with a full time job, it actually is quite fun. Luckliy Charles started to play golf again, so we both manage to keep ourselves busy.
For the 4th of July weekend, which was two weeks ago, we decided to go to Charleston in South Carolina. We spent most of the time at the beach, even though it was cloudy most of the time. The ocean water was suprisingly warm. We did also walk around in Charleston a bit, until it just got too hot. It's a wonderful little town, it felt quite European actually.

Good night, godnatt, bonne nuit...
On the way back to our apartment we considered dipping our feet in the pool to cool off a bit, but there was still quite a lot going on at the pool, so we decided to just head back home. I had to bring the fan to the living room, which we usually have in the bedroom. It's funny how the air conditioner just isn't enough sometimes.
Last week I started studying for my first CPA exam (CPA, certified public accountant = auktoriserad revisor). There are four parts of the CPA examination and I'm taking the first one in exactly a month and the second one I have scheduled to take a few days before coming to Sweden in the end of October. The content of each exam is massive and this means that I'll be studying practically every day (except for Fridays) and every weekend for the next three months. Even though it'll be quite tough handling this with a full time job, it actually is quite fun. Luckliy Charles started to play golf again, so we both manage to keep ourselves busy.
For the 4th of July weekend, which was two weeks ago, we decided to go to Charleston in South Carolina. We spent most of the time at the beach, even though it was cloudy most of the time. The ocean water was suprisingly warm. We did also walk around in Charleston a bit, until it just got too hot. It's a wonderful little town, it felt quite European actually.
Good night, godnatt, bonne nuit...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Terese på besök!
Hej hopp i lingonskogen!
Ville dela med mig av lite kort från när min kusin Terese var här och hälsade på för ett par veckor sedan. Första helgen tillbringade vi 4 dagar på Pensacola Beach. Eftersom solen var lite starkare än där hemma i Sverige, blev vi tvungna att ta en solpaus från solen en dag... Charles och Terese blev inte nådigt brända. De andra två veckorna som Terese var här blev det en hel del shopping och solbadandet... medan jag var på jobbet om dagarna och lite smått och gott på kvällarna.

PS Jag kommer hem till Sverige i 2 veckor i slutet på oktober!!!
Ville dela med mig av lite kort från när min kusin Terese var här och hälsade på för ett par veckor sedan. Första helgen tillbringade vi 4 dagar på Pensacola Beach. Eftersom solen var lite starkare än där hemma i Sverige, blev vi tvungna att ta en solpaus från solen en dag... Charles och Terese blev inte nådigt brända. De andra två veckorna som Terese var här blev det en hel del shopping och solbadandet... medan jag var på jobbet om dagarna och lite smått och gott på kvällarna.

PS Jag kommer hem till Sverige i 2 veckor i slutet på oktober!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Life after busy season
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I last updated my blog. I have to say that it has been a rough and intense busy season at work. Since I last wrote in the middle of January, there has not been much time after work for more than eating and sleeping. Sometimes I never thought that April 15th (the end date of busy season) would come around, but it did and it felt good. Last weekend was my first two-day weekend in three months and we spent it by renting a cabin with some friends up in Northern Georgia. It was a wonderful two day weekend; hiking, barbecuing, hot tubing and relaxing.
Yesterday I also became an aunt to John-Erik and Alice's little girl! I'm not sure what her name will be, but I was lucky that I was chatting with mom on the web cam, when John-Erik called with the wonderful news. During these moments I wish I could be at home.
Some other good news is that Charles will be graduating on May 12th. He has had a tough year and has put a great effort into his studies. What a satisfaction it will be, on graduation day. Now that most of his classes are finished he can concentrate more on job searching.
I hope you all are doing well and I will try my best to be a better blogger. :)
Pictures from last weekend near Blairsville, GA:

It's been a while since I last updated my blog. I have to say that it has been a rough and intense busy season at work. Since I last wrote in the middle of January, there has not been much time after work for more than eating and sleeping. Sometimes I never thought that April 15th (the end date of busy season) would come around, but it did and it felt good. Last weekend was my first two-day weekend in three months and we spent it by renting a cabin with some friends up in Northern Georgia. It was a wonderful two day weekend; hiking, barbecuing, hot tubing and relaxing.
Yesterday I also became an aunt to John-Erik and Alice's little girl! I'm not sure what her name will be, but I was lucky that I was chatting with mom on the web cam, when John-Erik called with the wonderful news. During these moments I wish I could be at home.
Some other good news is that Charles will be graduating on May 12th. He has had a tough year and has put a great effort into his studies. What a satisfaction it will be, on graduation day. Now that most of his classes are finished he can concentrate more on job searching.
I hope you all are doing well and I will try my best to be a better blogger. :)
Pictures from last weekend near Blairsville, GA:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year!
Today is January 3, 2008 and hope that you all have survived and hopefully also enjoyed the holidays! Last time I wrote I was feeling a cold sneaking up on me and unfortunately I ended up being sick with the flu (the cold flu and stomach flu) for 2 weeks. After about a week of being sick I went to the doctor and received antibiotics and started to feel better just before Christmas. And of course because I had already used all of my days off at work for the year... I had to stick with it and attend 2 different preliminary audits and work like never before... that's the USA for you.
Except for the fact that Charles flew to Paris to visit his family and friends for the holidays, which also lead to me missing home a little extra... I actually spent a nice Christmas Eve together with several of my German friends/colleagues. We cooked a big turkey and ate it with German side dishes... Amalia, the hostess, had also prepared 3 different desserts... so no wonder we ended up sitting at the table over 8 hours. :)
I also spent New Year's Eve together with German friends and colleagues at one colleague's loft condo. When the clock turned 12:00 we were all up on their deck on the roof of the building while admiring Atlanta's skyline and the fireworks.
At work everybody is getting ready for the busy season, conducting preliminary audits and inventory count observations. Next week I'll be out on my first audit, which I am pretty excited about. After that week I'll be back in the office for one week, then after that week I'll be on four different two week audits, one after the other. So I won't be back at the office until the middle of March (except for if I need to work Saturdays). I consider myself lucky to have all my clients in the Atlanta area... so I actually get to go home every evening, while some colleagues will be out of town the whole busy season.
Yesterday was the first time I experienced freezing temperatures in Atlanta and it was coooold! One would think that I would be more used to the cold, being Swedish and all, but noooope. Even the little lake in our apartment complex was frozen this morning! I here that it's quite unusual that it gets so cold... but no worries, it's supposed to be in the 60's (ca 15 grader) already by this weekend.
Anybody have any special plans for the weekend? I'm definitely looking forward to going to the hairdresser on Sunday morning anyway. I still have to wait one more week until Charles comes back home. He'll finally be back next Friday, after being away for almost a whole month!
I hope the New Year has started out well for you all and I hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of love,
Except for the fact that Charles flew to Paris to visit his family and friends for the holidays, which also lead to me missing home a little extra... I actually spent a nice Christmas Eve together with several of my German friends/colleagues. We cooked a big turkey and ate it with German side dishes... Amalia, the hostess, had also prepared 3 different desserts... so no wonder we ended up sitting at the table over 8 hours. :)
I also spent New Year's Eve together with German friends and colleagues at one colleague's loft condo. When the clock turned 12:00 we were all up on their deck on the roof of the building while admiring Atlanta's skyline and the fireworks.
At work everybody is getting ready for the busy season, conducting preliminary audits and inventory count observations. Next week I'll be out on my first audit, which I am pretty excited about. After that week I'll be back in the office for one week, then after that week I'll be on four different two week audits, one after the other. So I won't be back at the office until the middle of March (except for if I need to work Saturdays). I consider myself lucky to have all my clients in the Atlanta area... so I actually get to go home every evening, while some colleagues will be out of town the whole busy season.
Yesterday was the first time I experienced freezing temperatures in Atlanta and it was coooold! One would think that I would be more used to the cold, being Swedish and all, but noooope. Even the little lake in our apartment complex was frozen this morning! I here that it's quite unusual that it gets so cold... but no worries, it's supposed to be in the 60's (ca 15 grader) already by this weekend.
Anybody have any special plans for the weekend? I'm definitely looking forward to going to the hairdresser on Sunday morning anyway. I still have to wait one more week until Charles comes back home. He'll finally be back next Friday, after being away for almost a whole month!
I hope the New Year has started out well for you all and I hope to hear from you soon!
Lots of love,
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